Meat Draft #13

Virus Draft

Ah lucky number thirteen. Who knew that things could get so dire? We're trying yet another farm this time, Grandview Farm, oh and also there's a global pandemic raging uncontrolled killing hundreds every day. So mask up and don't travel for Thanksgiving.

I started working on some asynchronos features but never really finished them. So we're going to do an old fashioned zoom call and I'll still be clicking all the buttons as if you were yelling out cuts in my basement.

This virtual draft is scheduled for November 21st, so long as we can inventory and get everyone on the call. Lindsey and I will divvy up the portions and you can swing by to collect your box later.

Rules Remain Somewhat Unchanged:

This virtual draft will be an even per team split of the total cost: $1478.70

Pick order will be decided by random selection for beef and then reversed for the pork side.


This Draft Contained:

??? Cuts of Beef

Meat Draft Wrap-Up


14th Draft