Meat Draft #3

Meation Impossible

Good morning Mister Phelps,

The image you are about to see details valuable untapped resources, ripe for exploitation by motivated individuals of means and connection.

Reports from around the area are that surpluses of such materials are dangerously low, and local populations are on the verge of resorting to desperate acts. We can't risk an uprising that would unbalance the region, or to allow undesirable parties to leverage their control of the supply.

Your mission Jim, should you decide to accept it is to assess the current demand for Steaks and Roasts, Pork chops and Bacon, Ribs and Ground Chuck, and Sausage of any type. You must then monitor a particular shipment of such items over the next several weeks. On a to-be-determined weekend afternoon you must be prepared to intercept a portion of said shipment, paying in-full for the goods you seize.

As always, should you or any of your Meat Draft force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Jim. This email will self-destruct in five seconds.

The sample from my projection spreadsheet lists this breakdown for a total of 265 lbs of beef and pork is:

Teams 4 5 6
Pounds/Team 66.25 53.00 44.17
Price/Team $341.25 $273.00 $227.50

So for the 5 teams currently projected, that may be somewhere in the area of 50 lbs per team depending on the final delivered weight. I don't think we're in a situation where we're asking more people to join in and lower the amounts at this point.

For those new to the draft, we weight the total take-home meat and divide the price by it to get the actual per pound cost. (prices on the website are by hanging weight) Then we do rounds of drafting, each team picking a cut until all the cuts are chosen. After all the drafting, we break out the meats and divide them up; first-round pick of a cut gets first choice of that type and so on. We divide up the ground beef as evenly as possible and then you multiply your take-home poundage by the original cost per pound.

This does effectively price fillet the same as ground beef and sausage, but if we all wind up with similar poundage and the cuts we want it's all good. I'd advise against trying to game the system somehow, so I don't have to start dreaming up a double-blind casino scheme.

I'm not going to go as crazy at the beer store as I have for other meat drafts, but I'll have some Yuenglings or something and we can fire up the grill afterward if anyone wants to stay and eat stuff.

Other than that, bring cash or check and a cooler that'll fit 50 lbs of meats.

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