
Organization is key, and rather than make a timeline I've decided to present these items based on their geographgy.

North America

The Lincoln Memorial

These are smaller trips to places not so foriegn. But they can still be strange and beautiful even if they're nearby.

Central America

Gatun Locks, Panama

I've been to a handfull of places south of the U.S. but never quite made it to South America.


Palace of  Westminster, London

There's a draw to the size and age of so many settlements in Europe. And so many places in close proximity. This is where the history I've learned happened.

Oceans and Seas

A lot of my travel has taken place via ship, so it might make sense to group some destinations by their waterbody of access.


An island in the Northern Pacific

Yes, this is quite a large grouping. Because my Semmester At Sea took me around the Pacific Ring of Fire it seems right to present a group like this rather than by continent and archipelago.